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作著:Nate Chinen





64歲的史坦可用著了火般的速度說話,他橢圓型的臉上架著方格花紋的眼鏡,活像一個歷經風霜但卻不見歲月痕跡的爵士樂迷,站在某些角度上來說,說他是個爵士樂迷也當之無愧。他從年輕時就帶領一支受到自由爵士樂派Ornette Coleman所啟發的一流歐洲樂團。而他的獨奏生涯也一直是處在未公開的狀態,一直到十年前左右,在德國ECM發行一批抒情唱片,在歐洲他的家鄉及美國引起轟動,打響了他的知名度。



史坦可先生和多數同年代的東歐人一樣,是經由美國的廣播節目及國務院之旅才得知爵士樂。部份原因也是因為美國政府的包裝方式,才會讓音樂成為自由之聲的化身。史坦可先生回憶起,他是在1958年的旅途中見到代夫‧布魯貝克(Dave Brubeck)(註一)

1958年,在一次與Down Beat 雜誌的會唔中,雜誌中引述了歷史學家Penny M VonEschen在她的書『Satchmo(註二)炸毀世界:爵士大使玩弄(註三冷戰)中的話:布魯貝克先生是這麼描述這次的旅程的:『只要歐洲的獨裁政權存在,爵士樂就會逍遙法外,』他說,『而且只要這些國家重獲自由,爵士樂絕對會跟著響起。』他補上一句說,『自由這個字在波蘭是在跟我們有關聯的每個人嘴裡。』






『 這是我尋根的方式:找到靈感,而不是聲音。』史坦可先生說。『找到靈感,他重覆著,『但是是用我的方法,我的語言。』較中規中矩的手法。

譯註一:代夫‧布魯貝克(Dave Brubeck):鋼琴爵士樂手


譯註三:原書名為Satchmo Blows Up the World:Jazz Ambassador Play the Cold War,Play有『吹奏』之意,亦有『玩弄』戲謔之意,在此譯者以為作者用意在後者,故翻成『玩弄』。

譯註四:William Faulkner,美國小說家,1949年諾貝爾文學獎獲得者,他作品最大的外在特點是綿延婉轉、結構極為繁複的長句子和反復斟酌推敲後選取的精巧辭彙,他和風格簡潔明瞭、乾脆利落的海明威是兩個極端。(以上資料來自維基百科)

A Message Of Freedom Through Jazz

By Nate Chinen

NEW YORK – For the trumpeter Tomasz Stanko, one of the most acclaimed Improvising musicians in Europe, the significance of jazz was unmistakable the first time he heard it more than 50 years ago.

“The message was freedom,” he said recently in a Midtown Manhattan hotel room. “For me, as a Polish who was living in Communist country,” he continued in his slightly broken English, “jazz was synonym of western culture, of freedom, of this different style of life.”

Speaking in a rapid-fire cadence, checkered-framed glasses accenting his oval face, the 64-year-old Mr. Stanko resembled a weathered but ageless hipster, which in some ways he is. As a young man, he led one of the first European bands inspired by the free jazz of Ornette Coleman. His solo career was an underground affair until about a decade ago, when a new batch of lyrical albums for the German label ECM sparked a surge in recognition at home in Europe and in the United States.

Mr. Stnako, who lives in Warsaw, was in New York between stops on a 12-city tour, his fourth cross-country American trek in five years. He was expected shortly at a reception organized by the Polish Consulate, across from his hotel; he would play solo, then with classical musicians on a chamber composition.

“he is one of the greatest figures of Polish culture,” the consul general, Krzysztof W. Kasprzyk, would later proclaim, adding that he had first heard Mr. Stanko as a student in Krakow in the 1960’s.

Like most Eastern Europeans of his generation, Mr. Stanko encountered jazz through Voice of America broadcasts and State Department tours; the music Registered as a soundtrack of freedom partly because it was packaged that way by the United States government. Mr. Stanko recalled seeing Dave Brubeck in a 1958 tour.

In a 1958 interview in Down Beat magazine cited by the historian Penny M. VonEschen in her book “Satchmo Blows Up the World: Jazz Ambassadors Play the Cold War,” Mr. Brubeck described that tour: “Whenever here was a dictatorship in Europe, jazz was outlawed,” he said. “And whenever freedom returned to those countries, the playing of jazz inevitable accompanied it.” In Poland, he added, the word freedom “was in the mouths of everybody we had anything to do with.”

Mr. Stanko said he still remembered that sort of yearning, which could be said to exist, on a subconscious level, even on “Lontano,” his latest album.

“Lontano” is a haunting, suite like effort, with Mr. Stanko’s trumpet as the running thread. But it is more restless than its predecessors; often it assumes an avant-garde elasticity evocative of Mr. Stanko’s earlier, freedom-seeking recordings.

“it’s true that I come back to the past, to improvised music,” Mr. Stanko said. “but exactly my mood. This is what I really love in music, you know, this kind of narration, like maybe what in literature Faulkner has.”

“Kattorna,” the only nonoriginal piece on “Lontano,” is the jauntiest track on the album and has served as a set closer for Mr. Stanko’s quartet on its current tour. The musicians played it during their late show at the Regattabar, a jazz club in Cambridge, Massachusetts, a couple of nights after the Polish Consulate reception.

“we play this music different live,” Mr. Stanko had said in New York, and the Regattabar set illustrated his point, conveying an energy more emphatic but less experimental than on “Lontano.”

“this is my way to follow roots: go get ideas, not sound,” Mr. Stanko said. “To get ideas,” he reiterated, “but in my way. In my language.”

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